Tuesday 8 April 2014

Finding Out Her Dog Was Going To Die Was Beyond Devastating. So She Did THIS… You’ll Need Tissues.

When loving dog owner Riina Cooke discovered that a beloved family member had bone cancer,
 she was devastated. It was Romeo, her 9 year-old boxer. The dog had been with
 her through thick and thin and Riina wanted to do something special for him in his final days.
 So, she compiled a special doggie Bucket List for him and helped him, 
created to make his dreams come true. She documented the entire thing,
 right up until his final days.
Thankfully, she and Romeo were able to complete it!

Having a great birthday party was just one of the items on the bucket list.
Visiting the USA was also on it.
Romeo loved the puppy pedicure.
Romeo loved the puppy pedicure.
Afterwards, he went for a beer in a pub with his dad.
Find myself a Valentine.” Easy!
Having lots of doggie treats was a necessity.
Life is unfair, but Romeo spent his final days being loved.
And eating sushi.
Romeo went for a ride in a police car.
He also got to get in a fire engine as well.

Riina gave him cheeseburgers…
And also massages.
He had breakfast in bed, too.
Basically, his family showed him all of the love they possibly could.
He couldn’t be saved…
But he will be missed.
Riina was devastated after his passing, so she adopted another boxer in his honor, 
named Elvis.

This was the full Bucket List that Riina made for Romeo:
1. Trip to the first park where he had walkies 
2. Have breakfast in bed with dad
3. Have his first beer with dad at the pub
4. Meet a celebrity
5. Watch a sunset
6. Candle lit massage from mum
7. Have a ride a fire engine
8. Have a ride a police car
9. Spend lots quality time with my family
10. Have a great birthday party
11. Help out at an animal shelter
12. Eat a McDonald’s cheese burger
13. Celebrate New Year in style
14. Enjoy a doggy ice cream
15. Have a steak dinner
16. Enjoy a full body massage
17. Get a pawicure
18. Go on a blind date
19. Eat some sushi
20. Find myself a Valentine
21. Have lots of doggy treats
22. Visit the USA
They had a very special relationship, not everyone would do so much for their pet. 
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