Thursday, 21 August 2014

These Tricky Photos Will Make You Look Twice. Or Three Times.

Photographers know all kinds of tricks to get their images to look exactly how they want.
 Sure, a lot of it involves some clever uses of Photoshop, but what's even more important
 is getting just the right timing. And that takes a ton of patience and a seriously keen eye.
 (But sometimes? Just dumb luck.)
These photos prove just how important timing is by making you look twice to see what's really going on. Check these out for a whole new perspective on the world.
 They're just too perfect:

1.) That boat isn't floating... right? RIGHT?

2.) He's so upset, he's using all 4 arms.

3.) Now those must be some loooong legs.

4.) This has to be a new species.

5.) Where'd he come from?!

6.) RUDE.

7.) Where'd I put my keys? ... hmmm...

8.) Introducing: my next pet.

Figuring these out is like finally seeing the image in a Magic Eye book. 
Nothing will look the same again! Freak your friends out by showing them
 these awesome pictures and click on the button below!