Monday 4 August 2014

Incredible WWI Tribute In London Looks Like A River Of Blood. But Look Closer.

 World War I, known at the time as the Great War, was thought to be the war that would
 end all future wars. All sides suffered an incredibly high number of needless deaths, 
and the war devastated an entire generation. In fact, the sheer amount of destruction
 and death has only been eclipsed by World War II.
Since it ended, all countries involved have held memorials to remember their fallen
 dead who sacrificed their lives for the good of their country. This fact is all the more
 so in England, where nearly a million people lost their lives. What they've done to commemorate their fallen soldiers is truly beautiful, while also helping us understand
the true scope of these soldiers' sacrifice. Even a hundred years later, we should
 not forget their incredible acts of heroism.

The moat that surrounds the Tower of London has 

long stood empty and dry. But now, what may look like gushing blood from it's very walls, is actually something beautiful.

This summer, the moat has been filled with 888,246 

red ceramic poppies, one for each British 

and Colonial soldier who perished during World War I.

For the past few weeks, a team of 150 volunteers

 has been placing red ceramic poppies one by one

 around the Tower.

The last poppy will be symbolically planted on the

 last day of the installation: November 11, Armistice Day.

Each evening, the Last Post will be sounded and a 

selection of names of the dead read out loud.

 It's stunning and sobering commemoration

that befits the Great War.

 H/T: Reddit)
Regardless of why their countries went to war, we should never forget the selfless
 acts of these brave men. Please share their story, and help remember their lives, 
by using the buttons below.
