Wednesday 16 July 2014

If You Don’t Believe In Ghosts, You Might Want To Check This Out. Freaky.

 I used to believe that ghosts didn’t exist. However, even though I was a firm non-believer… 
these 13 insanely creepy photos of ghosts just changed my mind. You’ll need to
 sleep with the light on tonight.

1. Decebal Hotel, Romania – The Decebal Hotel in Romania was under
 construction in 2008 when this photo was taken. There had long been 
reports of a ghostly woman in a long white dress on the premises.

2. Woman at Corroboree Rock, Australia – In 1959, this photo was
 taken and seems to show a semi-transparent woman in a long gown 
standing at the edge of a group of trees, holding what might
 be a camera or pair of binoculars.

3. Queen Anne Bureau Hand – This photo was taken in the early
 20th century and, after development, showed a spindly, disembodied 
hand resting on top of the photo’s subject, a Queen Anne bureau.

4. Specter of Newby Church – This haunting photo was taken in 1963
 by Reverend K. F. Lord in Newby Church in North Yorkshire, England. 
Allegedly, some photo experts who have examined the photo say
 that the startling image is not the result of double exposure.

5. The Ghostly Face of Freddy Jackson – This picture, taken in 1919
 of a WWI squadron, appears to show a ghostly face behind the airman in the
 top row, fourth from left. Members of the squadron who later saw the photo
 said the face matched that of air mechanic Freddy Jackson, who had been 
killed in an airplane propellor accident two days before the photo was taken.

6. The Ghost in the Grove – This picture was taken at the reportedly very 
haunted Bachelor’s Grove in Illinois in 1991. The Ghost Research Society 
took this photo and this has caused some to doubt its legitimacy, but
 researchers insist no woman was present at the time the picture was taken.

7. Queen’s House Staircase – This picture, originally intended only 
to capture the spiral staircase in the Queen’s House section of the National
 Maritime Museum in England, was taken in 1966. A shrouded figure appears
 at the bottom of the stairs. For years, there have been reports 
of paranormal activity.

8. Ghost of Lord Combermere – This picture was taken in the library
 of Combermere Abbey in 1891, and appears to show a man sitting in the
 armchair at left. Family members identified the figure as Lord Combermere
whose funeral was taking place miles away at the time the picture was taken.

9. Worstead Church – In 1975, a picture was taken of Diane Berthelot 
sitting in the pews at Worstead Church in Norfolk, England. 
Her husband took the photo and NO ONE was sitting behind her.

10. Boothill Cemetary – This photo was taken in the 1990s. The subject
 was dressed in 1880s garb and a black and white film was being used. 
What wasn’t intentional, though, was the small ghost boy also in period 
clothing that appeared on the film in the background.

11. Grandpa’s ghost – After this woman moved to a nursing home, 
her family took a picture of her. After getting the film developed, they 
noticed something strange. The man standing behind her wasn’t there
 in real life… and it looked just like her deceased husband.

12. Wem Town Hall’s Fire Girl – The town hall burned down,
 but as it did, a photographer snapped pictures of the flames. There just 
so happened to be a ghost girl looking out from them.

13. The Brown Lady – This is one of the most famous ghost photographs 
ever taken. Some say light was leaked onto the film, but others firmly believe
 this is proof ghosts exist. It was taken in 1936 in Raynham Hall in England.
