Sunday 27 July 2014

15 Creative Ways To Hide The Eyesores In Your Home And Make It Look Better

1. Install drawers under the stairwell
2. Turn Your Cords Into Bob Marley’s Hair
3. Keep your pets’ lunch out of the way 
with a drawer just for them
4. Use invisible book shelves
5. Hide your jewellery with a painting
6. Hide your AC behind a useful to-do-list chalkboard

7. Turn your power chords into pretty vines
8. Install stairs that double as drawers
9. Use tape to jazz up your laundry machine and drier
10. Use a desk curtain to keep wires out of sight
11. Hide alarms, thermostats or pool controls with art
12. Create a charging drawer for all of your
13. Cover your ordinary bathtub in imitation 
stone siding
14. Hang a painting from your TV when it’s not in use

15. Hide your cat’s bathroom inside a cabinet
