Wednesday, 25 June 2014

These 18 Epic Backyard Hacks Will Make You The Envy Of The Neighborhood. I Must Have #16.

Summer = BBQ season. That special time of year when people invite friends, family,
 co-workers (and basically anyone they want to impress) to their backyards for a cookout.
 Of course, the real reason is not to have some pre-made burgers and hot dogs. Instead it’s to
 show of the new deck, pool, or whatever extravagant thing they bought in the winter and are
 dying to show off. And no matter how much we know that’s the real reason, we still marvel
 at the crazy awesome stuff they buy. Because let’s face it, a waterfall in the backyard is
 pretty cool.
Well if this summer you want to save a bit of money, and still end up having more interesting
 things in your backyard no one else will have, check out these 28 do-it-yourself hacks
 that will leave everyone talking!
1. We may not have thought of it, but we’re definitely going to make one
2.Summer made easy.
3. Seriously, creative paintings does wonders
4. Designer Rebecca Cole made all this furniture in one day
 using fences, logs and a cent top.
5. Surprisingly easy to make!
6. Even you could make this stump table.
7. Step 1: Get porch. Step 2: Make Hammock. Step 3: Never leave.
8. Meet hipster central.
9. It might not be comfy, but it’s definitely cool.
10. Using masking tape and spray paint, you can update any
 old rug to go outdoors.
11. Because you can never have too many succulents.
12. Even better…
13. Looks like something out of a Pottery Barn catalog, right?
14 This recycled rug ottoman is great.
15 If I can make this, so can you.
16 … Even this too!
17. What an adorable animal table!
18. Tire table. Easy!
