Monday 23 June 2014

Notes Written By Psychopaths. Except For #8, He Takes CRAZY To A New Level.

We all know the passive aggressive note. But these take it to the
 next level… The it as if they were written by psychopaths.

1. Because the enormous note didn’t send a loud 
enough message 
2. Some people just REALLY hate hearing bad flute music.
3. Aw, what a nice note from mom! 
4. Don’t let your mom sleep with people at the local pizza joint.
5. Liam Neeson, FTW! 
6. Kind of a terrifying degree of detail here… 
7. Frankly…this note seems completely warranted.
8 …YIKES. 
9. This message left from a ex-girlfriend…
10. Well, at least they put it on a cake. 
