Tuesday 13 May 2014

What This Guy Did With A Garage Sale Crib Is Amazing…

Losing a child is a tragic event that no one should have to live through. 
What happened to Valarie Watts and her soon is unthinkable. Her baby 
Noah was developing in the womb just fine for most of her pregnancy. 
Then, something happened in the final few days. She could feel that
 he wasn’t moving as much and it worried her. Then, after labor, 
she realized the terrible truth: her son was stillborn.
Noah’s umbilical cord had become pinched in utero. She was never
able to meet her baby boy. The infant was stillborn last July, almost
 a year ago. But Valarie still had his crib and nursery put together.
She couldn’t quite let him go… not yet.
At first, the pregnancy seemed normal.
But it ended in tragedy.
Valarie didn’t want to sell his crib… but she knew she might 
needto. It was an ever-open wound that needed to heal.
Gerald Kumpula inquired about the crib he saw sitting out 
at a garage sale. She hesitantly sold it to him.
When Gerald and his wife discovered the truth of the situation, 
they knew what they had to do.
Gerald has lots of different projects he tinkers with. Recently, 
he has been converting headboards & footboards into unique, 
custom-made benches. He decided to return Noah’s crib to his 
mother, only transformed. So he returned the crib to Valarie, 
but as a source of comfort and not pain.
