Wednesday 14 May 2014

As I Scrolled Through These 20 Photos, One Thing Became Very Clear. And Everyone Should See

The world isn’t always fair. In fact, there are many, many times when it’s unfair and
 it feels like other people are out to get you. That’s why it’s important to remember the positive 
parts of life when you can. Take, for example, these random acts of kindness.
Complete strangers helped each other out for no reason other than to be good people
This is the sort of kindness that really renews your faith in the world and other people.
As you scroll through these, it’ll become very clear that the world isn’t the bad place
 some people try to make it out to be…

1.) A parking official let a couple in need slide when their car was parked illegally.
2.) A young Egyptian girl helps a street vendor’s child learn how to read.
3.) When an older woman needed to sit down, a kind college student
 helped her out
4.) A rainstorm popped up, but this kind neighbor made sure this car
didn’t get soaked.
5.) A man stopped running to catch his train to help an older woman
 who was struggling with her bags.
6.) Dogs everywhere appreciated this awesome, and touching, act of kindness.
7.) This man teaches the love of his life how to read again after she had a stroke.
8.) One mailman loves to randomly brighten people’s days.
9.) A kind observer helped out someone in need, even though they 
didn’t know they were at the time.
10.) This firefighter risked his life to save one woman’s beloved cat.
11.) Even snapping turtles need help sometimes.
12.) This crowd helped a young man in a wheelchair crowd surf.
13.) Rugby player Brian O’Driscoll visited his biggest fan in the hospital.
14.) During Hurricane Sandy, this store owner helped people without power.
15.) A good Samaritan helped a couple expecting a baby during Hurricane Sandy.
16.) This motorcyclist pulled over to help and elderly woman cross the street.
17.) During a protest, this dog got tear gassed. Everyone stopped 
to help the poor guy out.
18.) A soldier rescued a baby bunny and then raised him, dedicating
 hours to feeding the little guy.
19.) Mike Downer found this woman’s $5,000 life savings in her 
discarded refrigerator. He made sure to return it in person.
20.) A man on the bus gave a homeless man the shoes off of his own feet.
