Friday 2 May 2014

A Girlfriend’s Last Words That Were Texted to Her Boyfriend...

Mathieu Fortin and Emy Brochu were texting the night she died. Not only that, they were in contact moments before she was in a fatal car accident, exchanging messages of love with her boyfriend. She didn’t know it would be her last moments on Earth.

Emy Brochu was a young woman with a bright future. She was in love.

These were her last words, translated to “I love you too and I’d do anything

 to make you happy Mr. Fortin.” He replied, “Me too, baby.”

Mathieu and Emy were planning their life together.

After he didn’t hear from her for a few hours, he grew worried and sent these texts: 

“Are you okay, my dear? I’m a little worried…”

Mathieu soon learned the love of his life didn’t reply because she died that night,
 crashing into the back of a truck presumably while texting. Now he wants to make
 sure the same doesn’t happen to anyone else.
“An accident can happen quickly,” he writes. “I hope every time you look at your
 cellphone while you’re driving, you think of Emy and those who loved her.
“At what time is a text or an email more important than life itself? At what point is something
 on your phone more important than the people that you love?”
Please SHARE this with others. It could save lives.
