Thursday, 6 March 2014

Here’s Why You Never Ever Cheat On Your Spouse. What This (Soon-To-Be-Ex) Wife Did Is EPIC.

When spouses cheat on each other, the fallout can be absolutely disastrous.
 Making a scene in public isn’t that uncommon, but this clever wife in Texas found a better, 
subtler way to let everyone know how disappointed she was in her cheating husband.
 She took out a classified ad in a Texas newspaper, sending a message
 out to her husband and his message, signed with love. You’re going to love this.
When Timeshia Brown discovered her husband Patrick was sleeping around and
 got a girl pregnant, she didn’t set his car on fire. She did, however,
 find a better way to burn him. Her ad reads:
I would like to say congratulations to Shara Cormier and Patrick Brown.
They are expecting a baby.
Hope you both are really in love and I hope it works out.
Patrick’s wife,
Timeshia Brown.
It’s possible she meant some of the well-wishing, but you know for sure
she was laughing all the way to the newspaper.
Source: Daily Mail

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