Tuesday 16 September 2014

Amazing Animals With Real Superpowers...

If you have ever been invited to an awkward party, you've surely been asked, 
"if you could have any superpower, what would it be?" Well, what did you say ? 
When you were mulling it over, you probably thought of the X-Men, Superman or anyone else who is ever graced a comic book, but did you know there are
 superpowers among us? That is right, superpowers are not exactly fictitious. 
They are in the animal kingdom.
Check out these Amazing animals with real superpowers:
  • The mimic octopus 
It can Perfectly camouflage itself into its surroundings

  • The starfish
Some can even generate a new body from a single arm.
  • The lyrebird

It can imitate any sound they hear Even car alarms.

The Alpine ibex mountain goat
 It has amazing ability of climbing any sort of mountain.

  • The horned lizard

It can squirt blood from its eye up to five feet away.

  • The platypus

It has an actual sixth sense --electrolocation --, 
which means it can locate its prey based on the electric currents found in muscle.

  • The Ant

It can support 5,000 times their body weight.

  • The immortal jellyfish

It actually has the ability to reverse the aging process and begin their life cycle
 over and over and over again.

  • The pistol shrimp

Its claw has the ability to shut so quickly that it creates a cavitation bubble
 that is almost as hot as the sun.

The mantis shrimp
