Most people will shell out the big bucks in order to stay in a hotel with a gorgeous view.
After all, vacations are so much better when you're inspired as soon as you wake up!
Expensive, five-star hotels with unbeatable views, however, have nothing on this
place. Not only does it have the best view, but it's also free.
There's just one tiny, itsy-bitsy catch: You have to get here... which is no small order.
Colleagues and family of Luca Vuernich built this nine-bed hotel atop the Alps in memory of the fallen climber.
Twelve people built the hotel in a single day, bringing in supplies by helicopter.If you can get to the top of the Foronon Buinz Mountain, you get to stay for free.

(via TwentyTwoWords)
Here's a thought: Can I just skip the climb and hitch a ride on a helicopter? That seems
a little more my speed.
Oh, and can we bring some toilets too? Something tells me those didn't quite make the
day-long build...
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