Friday 26 September 2014

These Dogs Aren't Man's Best Friend... Or Yours. They're Just The Worst.

Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend. That's what movies tell us, right? What
they neglected to mention is that dogs can be downright sinister when they want to
be, and revenge is their forte. Just see what these 26 perfectly evil dogs did to their
owners and you'll discover the hidden canine agenda. Watch out!

1.) "Remember all those nights you cried at 3 am as a baby? Revenge!"

2.) "I told you I wanted ORGANIC!"

3.) "I'm 2. Did you forget how to count?!"

4.) "Oh? This is your pizza?"

5.) Just don't forget his pepperoni...

6.) He just marked his territory on everyone watching TV.

7.) "Dude, you gotta do something about yo breath."

8.) "That'll teach you to leave me in the car."

9.) These kids shouldn't exclude him.

10.) "I see you sitting on that couch, too lazy to get up."

11.) Stop with the "get the mail" dog tricks, alright?

12.) Use the Bat Dog Spray!

13.) I guess we know who's the smartest trainee.

14.) "This wouldn't be a problem if you left Animal Planet on."

15.) "I swear it wasn't me."

16.) Rejected, once again.

17.) Wait, WHAT?!

19.) Revenge is a treat... served cold.

18.) Hat trick!

20.) This is every 50s cartoon summed up.

21.) "Only a bowl of dried kibble a day... this'll teach you!"

22.) Gotta love 'em.

23.) What's the opposite of superheroes?

24.) "I swear this was necessary. You'll thank me when you don't find a squirrel in there."

25.) "Homework done. Play with me now."

(via Distractify)

I don't know about you, but I definitely think I should give my dog a few extra treats from now on. I hope she doesn't try to extract revenge on me!